• 魯肉飯便當佳香酥炸雞
    NT 130

    原價$130|便當配副菜依季節調整,實際以門市現場為準 香酥炸雞:70公克/份,精選國產雞胸肉,以特調台式風味醬料醃製,口感外酥內嫩多汁。 魯肉飯便當:米飯淋上小火慢熬6小時以上的招牌粹魯,當日現炒配副菜,誠心推薦給您。 豬肉產地:胭脂梅花肉(巴拉圭、西班牙)、蒜泥白肉(西班牙、法國)、香腸腸衣(加拿大)外,其餘皆使用台灣豬隻原料。 牛肉產地:牛肉產地:巴拉圭、紐西蘭。
  • Sliced Pork with chopped garlic lunchbox
    NT 特價105

    Sliced Pork with chopped garlic lunchbox
  • Minced pork on rice lunchbox
    NT 80

    Minced pork on rice lunchbox
  • Shredded chicken on rice lunchbox
    NT 80

    Shredded chicken on rice lunchbox
  • Pork belly lunchbox
    NT 110

    Pork belly lunchbox
  • Minced pork on rice lunchbox with carefree duck egg
    NT 100

    Minced pork on rice lunchbox with carefree duck egg
  • Shredded chicken on rice lunchbox with carefree duck egg
    NT 105

    Shredded chicken on rice lunchbox with carefree duck egg
  • Minced pork and shredded chicken on rice lunchbox
    NT 105

    Minced pork and shredded chicken on rice lunchbox
  • Red-yeast fermented-tofu chicken thigh lunchbox
    NT 115

    Red-yeast fermented-tofu chicken thigh lunchbox
  • Pork belly with sausage lunchbox
    NT 特價115

    Pork belly with sausage lunchbox
  • Tangshan pork ribs lunchbox
    NT 119

    Tangshan pork ribs lunchbox
  • Minced pork with pork trotter lunchbox
    NT 特價130

    Minced pork with pork trotter lunchbox
  • Shredded chicken with pork trotter lunchbox
    NT 特價130

    Shredded chicken with pork trotter lunchbox
  • Chicken thigh lunchbox
    NT 135

    Chicken thigh lunchbox
  • Tangshan pork ribs lunchbox with carefree duck egg
    NT 139

    Tangshan pork ribs lunchbox with carefree duck egg
  • Pork knuckle lunchbox (large)
    NT 145

    Pork knuckle lunchbox (large)
  • Prime signature lunchbox
    NT 170

    Prime signature lunchbox
  • Minced pork on rice lunchbox +Crispy chicken thigh
    NT 特價169

    Minced pork on rice lunchbox +Crispy chicken thigh
Formosa Chang co., ltd.  
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